Student installs

If you already have conda or anaconda installed, skip to ``Git install`` below

For MacOS new installs

  1. Download miniconda from – choose the Miniconda3 MacOSX 64-bit pkg file from the menu and run it, agreeing to the licences and accepting all defaults. You should install for “just me”

  2. To test your installation, open a fresh terminal window and at the prompt type which conda (unless you are using zsh. In that case use whence -p conda). You should see something resembling the following output, with your username instead of phil:

% which conda

For Windows new installs

  1. Download miniconda from – choose the Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit. download from the menu and run it, agreeing to the licences and accepting all defaults.

The installer should suggest installing in a path that looks like:

  1. Once the install completes hit the windows key and start typing anaconda. You should see a shortcut that looks like:

Anaconda Powershell Prompt

Note that Windows comes with two different terminals ``cmd`` (old) and ``powershell`` (new). Always select the powershell version of the anaconda terminal

  1. Select the short cut. If the install was successful you should see something like:

(base) (Miniconda3):Users/phil>

with your username substituted for phil.

Some useful troubleshooting websites if you have issues getting conda installed on windows:

Git install

Inside your powershell or MacOs terminal, install git using conda:

conda install git

and then set it up

git config --global "Phil"
git config --global

Github account

To use the course materials and to work collaboratively for the project, you will need a github account. Sign up for a free account at if you don’t already have one.

Once you have your github account and have logged on, go to the course website at and fork the repository. The ‘fork’ button is on the upper right.

You now have your own fork of the course repository and should be taken to that page. Its name will be YourGitHubId/numeric_2022

Setting up the course repository

In the terminal, change directories to your home directory (called ~ for short) and make a new directory called repos to hold the course notebook repository. Change into repos and clone the course (do change YourGitHubId to your actual git hub id):

cd ~
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone

Creating the course environment

In the terminal, execute the following commands:

cd numeric_2022
conda env create -f envs/environment.yaml
conda activate numeric_2022

Opening the notebook folder and working with lab 1

To make it possible to pull down changes to the repository (for example, as I write this section only lab1 and lab2 are available) you need to work in a copy of the notebook. So always copy the notebook to a new name. See below an example for lab1. I suggest you use your name rather than phil!

cd ~/repos/numeric_2022/notebooks
cp lab1/01-lab1.ipynb lab1/phil-lab1.ipynb
jupyter notebook
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